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What Happens When Paul Staehle Shares His Criminal Record With Karine Martins Parents?

On season 2 of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days, Paul Staehle returns to see Karine Martins, his fiancé, in Brazil. At that time, they’re hoping to get married, but Karine’s parents want to see Paul’s criminal record first, and he brings it with him on his latest trip to Brazil. How does it all play out? We have all the pertinent details below.

Paul Staehle has to show his criminal record to Karine Martins’ parents

In season 1, Paul came clean to Karine about his past, and he had to explain it all through a translator app. “You need to know that I’m a convicted criminal. I’ve been in jail,” Paul writes on the phone. He goes on to say he “went to jail for arson.” He also says: “And I had a restraining order from my ex-girlfriend.”

“I was accused of burning my own house, burning my own personal property and spent about 18 months in jail,” Paul reveals to the cameras. “And then a few years ago, I was in a very terrible relationship and she took out an emergency protection order on me.”

According to Starcasm, Paul was convicted of second-degree arson and “Burning Personal Property To Defraud Insurer” in 2014. Based on the Kentucky corrections website, Starcasm also reports: “He is currently being supervised under shock probation, which means that he probably served a brief amount of time in jail before being released. The site also indicates that his supervision is scheduled to end in April of 2020.”

After being back in the United States for four months, Paul returns to Brazil to be with his fiancé. They hope to get married while there. But during the trip, he has to show his criminal record to Karine’s parents.

“But there’s one big issue that may stand in the way of our marriage,” Paul tells producers. “Karine’s parents were very alarmed when they found out about my criminal record.” He must bring the necessary paperwork with him for them to see, and it’s a nerve-racking prospect for anyone to deal with.

What happens when Paul shares his criminal record with Karine’s parents?

Now in Brazil, it’s finally time for Paul to meet with Karine’s parents and show them his paperwork. José and Gracilene are there waiting, and they greet everyone and sit down. Paul even hires a translator so everything can be understood completely, considering the last time he was in Brazil, there were translation issues.

“Me and Karine really want to get married on this trip,” Paul explains to producers. “If Karine’s father doesn’t approve of what he finds out, it’ll be the end of our relationship.”

The translator explains that Paul has brought with him his criminal record. The translator holds the paperwork, and says, “Paul was accused of committing arson and insurance fraud. Also, there are charges involving a restraining order by one of his ex-girlfriends.”

“As a cop, I can tell by talking with someone if they are good or bad,” José explains to the cameras. “I found out a lot of things. I’m concerned about that.”

Karine’s parents have questions

Paul says he’s “open” to answering questions, and José asks, “Is this still an ongoing process?”

Paul says everything is now “done.” Gracilene asks “what happened.”

“I do regret that entire stretch of my life,” Paul admits. “Dealing with the wrong people… I wish I could go back and I could change those things, but I can’t.”

Gracilene wants further clarification about what happened with his ex-girlfriend. “I sent her text messages, trying to make amends, but the idea was that we dissolve our ties,” Paul says. “So, they actually arrested me over this. I should have stopped texting…” He goes on to say he regrets it.

Gracilene asks if Paul has “hurt” any women, and Paul says, “No,” and that he didn’t send anything threatening.

Karine’s father asks her what she thinks of what she’s heard, and she says that they have their “moments of arguments,” but he has “never put his hands on” her. She says he’s “calm,” and she wants her parents to give him a “vote of confidence.”

“No one is perfect,” José says. “In this life we go through ups and downs. Move on with your life, a new life, with no court issues.”

Paul is clearly relieved, and they can now continue on with their quest to get married and start their lives together. As many fans know, Paul and Karine go on to get married later in the season.
