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Store-Bought Cheese Ravioli Taste Test, Review

  • Cheese ravioli is one of the simplest dinners to make, and pretty much any member of the family is guaranteed to enjoy it.
  • As a self-proclaimed pasta enthusiast, I set out to find the best store-bought cheese ravioli.
  • I tried seven different kinds — both fresh and frozen — and found that Rana came out on top with its generously filled shells and rich flavor.
  • Two different types of ravioli I tried from Wegmans disappointed me with their texture and lack of filling.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

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When it comes to a quick and easy dinner, few are as delicious as cheese ravioli.

I went to two grocery stores — Fairway and Wegmans — to try to find the best store-bought cheese ravioli on the market.

What I found surprised me. Wegmans, a grocery store brand I've previously ranked as No. 1 in other taste tests, disappointed me this time around with its cheese ravioli offerings.

Rana on the other hand, a brand I see in most grocery stores, trumped a more expensive brand with its creamy, tart, and flavorful filling.


Here's a breakdown of what I thought about each kind of cheese ravioli I tried.
